Expert - Season 10 - Week 4

Date Scheduled: 12/16/2025, 10:00 PM

Game Home: Gators Away: Colts Winner Link
1 3 4 Colts Game 1
2 6 7 Colts Game 2
3 3 2 Gators Game 3
4 3 2 Gators Game 4
5 4 5 Colts Game 5
Wins 2 3 Colts Colts

Team Stats

Games Goals Shots Assists Saves Demos
Team G W/G W L WD Score Score/Game GF Goals/Shot Goals/Game GA GD Shots Shots/Game Assists Assists/Game Saves Saves/Game Inflicted Inflicted/Game Taken Taken/Game
5 40.00% 2 3 -1 5912 1,182.40 19 35.85% 3.80 20 -1 53 10.60 12 2.40 16 3.20 4 0.80 5 1.00
5 60.00% 3 2 1 6950 1,390.00 20 45.45% 4.00 19 1 44 8.80 12 2.40 28 5.60 5 1.00 4 0.80

Gators Player Stats

Games Goals Shots Assists Saves Demos
Team Player Salary MVPR G W/G W L Score Score/Game GF Goals/Shot Goals/Game Shots Shots/Game Assists Assists/Game Saves Saves/Game Inflicted Inflicted/Game Taken Taken/Game
Burrito 14.5 6.04 5 40.00% 2 3 3331 666.20 10 38.46% 2.00 26 5.20 5 1.00 13 2.60 1 0.20 4 0.80
MusicalMamba 13 5.01 5 40.00% 2 3 2581 516.20 9 33.33% 1.80 27 5.40 7 1.40 3 0.60 3 0.60 1 0.20

Colts Player Stats

Games Goals Shots Assists Saves Demos
Team Player Salary MVPR G W/G W L Score Score/Game GF Goals/Shot Goals/Game Shots Shots/Game Assists Assists/Game Saves Saves/Game Inflicted Inflicted/Game Taken Taken/Game
Juud. 13.5 6.23 5 60.00% 3 2 3719 743.80 11 55.00% 2.20 20 4.00 6 1.20 15 3.00 4 0.80 2 0.40
The Postman 13.5 5.86 5 60.00% 3 2 3231 646.20 9 37.50% 1.80 24 4.80 6 1.20 13 2.60 1 0.20 2 0.40

Gators Player Games (10)

Week Game Number Results Player Score Goals Shots Assists Saves
4 1 Colts 4 - 3 Gators Burrito
667 2 3 0 2
4 1 Colts 4 - 3 Gators MusicalMamba
545 1 6 2 1
4 2 Colts 7 - 6 Gators Burrito
852 2 5 4 4
4 2 Colts 7 - 6 Gators MusicalMamba
610 4 6 0 1
4 3 Gators 3 - 2 Colts Burrito
505 2 5 1 1
4 3 Gators 3 - 2 Colts MusicalMamba
502 1 6 2 1
4 4 Gators 3 - 2 Colts Burrito
680 2 6 0 3
4 4 Gators 3 - 2 Colts MusicalMamba
350 1 4 1 0
4 5 Colts 5 - 4 Gators Burrito
627 2 7 0 3
4 5 Colts 5 - 4 Gators MusicalMamba
574 2 5 2 0

Colts Player Games (10)

Week Game Number Results Player Score Goals Shots Assists Saves
4 1 Colts 4 - 3 Gators Juud.
628 2 3 0 2
4 1 Colts 4 - 3 Gators The Postman
577 2 4 0 2
4 2 Colts 7 - 6 Gators Juud.
974 4 5 3 3
4 2 Colts 7 - 6 Gators The Postman
816 3 9 4 0
4 3 Gators 3 - 2 Colts Juud.
630 1 3 0 5
4 3 Gators 3 - 2 Colts The Postman
521 1 2 1 3
4 4 Gators 3 - 2 Colts Juud.
753 2 4 0 4
4 4 Gators 3 - 2 Colts The Postman
361 0 2 1 3
4 5 Colts 5 - 4 Gators The Postman
956 3 7 0 5
4 5 Colts 5 - 4 Gators Juud.
734 2 5 3 1

All Player Games (20)

Week Game Number Results Player Score Goals Shots Assists Saves
4 1 Colts 4 - 3 Gators Burrito
667 2 3 0 2
4 1 Colts 4 - 3 Gators MusicalMamba
545 1 6 2 1
4 1 Colts 4 - 3 Gators Juud.
628 2 3 0 2
4 1 Colts 4 - 3 Gators The Postman
577 2 4 0 2
4 2 Colts 7 - 6 Gators Burrito
852 2 5 4 4
4 2 Colts 7 - 6 Gators MusicalMamba
610 4 6 0 1
4 2 Colts 7 - 6 Gators Juud.
974 4 5 3 3
4 2 Colts 7 - 6 Gators The Postman
816 3 9 4 0
4 3 Gators 3 - 2 Colts Burrito
505 2 5 1 1
4 3 Gators 3 - 2 Colts MusicalMamba
502 1 6 2 1
4 3 Gators 3 - 2 Colts Juud.
630 1 3 0 5
4 3 Gators 3 - 2 Colts The Postman
521 1 2 1 3
4 4 Gators 3 - 2 Colts Burrito
680 2 6 0 3
4 4 Gators 3 - 2 Colts MusicalMamba
350 1 4 1 0
4 4 Gators 3 - 2 Colts Juud.
753 2 4 0 4
4 4 Gators 3 - 2 Colts The Postman
361 0 2 1 3
4 5 Colts 5 - 4 Gators Burrito
627 2 7 0 3
4 5 Colts 5 - 4 Gators MusicalMamba
574 2 5 2 0
4 5 Colts 5 - 4 Gators The Postman
956 3 7 0 5
4 5 Colts 5 - 4 Gators Juud.
734 2 5 3 1